
S.T.E.P.* Therapeutic Coaching


A new approach to therapeutic coaching

*Somatic Trigger Exposure Plan

Somatic Trigger Exposure Plan is a short term comprehensive coaching experience that blends elements of CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), Somatic Experiencing, and Mindfulness.

“Clients who received the cue exposure as part of their standard outpatient treatment for cocaine had more cocaine-free weeks then did clients attending the same outpatient program but who did not receive cue exposure.” O’Brien et al 1990 TIP 34. Pg. 54 (2011)

“However, the model that appears to have the greatest impact and lasting influence uses the idea of performance accomplishments to enhance client self-efficacy.  In this model the client is coached to do something that she previously was unable to do.” Annis and Davis, 1998 TIP 34 81 (2011).

S.T.E.P. is designed to identify, reduce, and discharge the potency of a client’s triggers in order to prevent relapse in any form.

S.T.E.P. provides the perfect transition for clients at any level of recovery, to re-enter the real world of cues and triggers.

S.T.E.P. is also effective and adaptable to other disorders in addition to addictions.

S.T.E.P. is flexible. Depending on the client’s needs, the treatment plan is designed around the triggering event. For instance, if a client has an upcoming court appearance, audition, surgery, travel, or the client is having difficulties with daily tasks, such as grocery shopping or leaving the house.

S.T.E.P. can be adapted to any anxiety provoking event, and is designed to reinforce new coping skills and behavior.

How does it work? The client and therapist develop a hierarchical list of triggers. Client and therapist incorporate therapeutic tools in the session to reduce the automatic arousal. When reduced sufficiently the sessons are then taking out to the triggering event where the client is both exposed to the trigger and supported by the therapist in using the coping tools.

Real tools. Real Life. Real Freedom.

S.T.E.P. is not meant as a sole support for the recovering client. Accompanying therapy and support groups are encouraged. S.T.E.P. is primarily a preventive tool for the client. It is meant to provide immediate and long term strategies for the client to learn and incorporate in their daily lives. S.T.E.P. is a supporting beam on the bridge from treatment to self-sustained abstinence both from maladaptive constricting behaviors and addictions.

The story behind S.T.E.P.

The idea for S.T.E.P.  came out of my own personal loss in my family due to addiction. I wanted to do more to help people impacted by addiction as I had been.

In addition to my certification in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Counseling from UCLA, and my own recovery and sobriety, I was introduced to Somatic Experiencing as a client. The results I experienced as a client were profound for me. 

In my own recovery, I understood first hand, the correlation between trauma and its impact on living a full sober life. Because of my professional and personal experience with this healing and therapeutic modality, it seemed natural to combine all of my training. It was during this time I realized I wanted a more hands on format then many other therapies provide. A format that would directly target relapse, whether with addiction, or other debilitating disorders.  The idea for S.T.E.P. emerged as the solution to that.

I am committed to providing tools for my clients to live a life that is as solid and as expansive as possible.